Julija Janus Adam Decolight - Glass Square
The lights and glass bead wreaths of the Glass Square: Stiklių, M.Antokolskio, Žydų, Gaono, Dominikonų, Vokiečių, Didžiosios Švarco street area is called the Glass Square. The name comes from the three Stiklo (Glass) Streets (Stiklo 1- now Stiklių, Stiklo 2- Gaono, Stiklo 3 – Švarco) that were there in the XIXth century. Three places in the Glass Square (Stiklių 7, Stiklių 18 ir Gaono 4) feature groups of luminaries that imitate colored glass bead wreaths, created by designer Julia Janus and Adam Decolight. The wreaths are reminiscent of the shape of long mistletoe twigs, a symbol of long friendship and love. It is believed that the couples who kiss under the mistletoe will live a happy life.